Hello there...
I'm Juniper O'Reilly,
A Clinical Herbalist by day and an Artist by night. I am also a Medicine Womxn, Yogi, Energy Medicine Practitioner, and a Channeler, for more in depth understanding of these titles read my blog post "Who I am, On the inside".
Plants have always been my best friends since as long as I can remember. It all started with 5 year old me being fascinated with the symbiotic relationship of exchange we share with ALL plants in regards to oxygen and carbon dioxide. My mind was blown and the inner depths of my being knew it to be so. An unshakable truth, we are a part of Nature! Nature and especially plants help to center and guide me. Every where I go I notice the plants and marvel at each one, whether they are an old friend or new one.
I am a lover of all things natural and being outside is my favorite place to be! I want nothing more than to share this love of the natural world with anyone willing to listen. I enjoy learning about the energetics of plants, people, animals, the cosmos as well as scientific research and anatomy and physiology. I find it helpful to be balanced in both worlds of western herbalism and western medicine.
I began my journey studying herbs at Sky House Herb School in 2015. Since then I have completed several certifications, Taught Plant Spirit Yoga, Nature's Rhythm Yoga and have countless hours of study & Clinical practice. I am currently working towards becoming a Registered Herbalist (RH) through the American Herbalist Guild.
With Gratitude,
Juniper (She/her)